Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (“ALIA”) works collaboratively with the Law Society to build and deliver a robust loss prevention and risk management program for Alberta lawyers. Periodically, ALIA sends its Subscribers email newsletters with information on relevant topics such as coverage updates, upcoming events, deadlines, and trends in the industry.
February 2025 Newsletter:
Cyber coverage webinar will explore risks of business email compromise
February 7, 2025
Because business email compromise (“BEC“) often relies on social engineering, people are as important as technology in preventing losses from BEC.
Free webinar explores how the Universal Cyber Coverage Program that you already have through ALIA, provided by Beazley Canada Limited (“Beazley”), can help you in a cyber incident.
Also in this newsletter:
- Cathy Merrett joins ALIA Board of Directors: Warm welcome to the newest board member
- New ALIA emails: Update to ALIA staff email addresses
- Saskatchewan’s Bite Size CPD: Neighbouring law society shares free video learning resources
- ALIAlert Scam Watch: Real estate transaction scams hit multiple Alberta lawyers
November 2024 Newsletter:
Cyber Coverage Webinar November 14 open to ALIA Subscribers and law firm staff
November 4, 2024
Join ALIA for a free webinar to learn how the Universal Cyber Coverage Program, recently renewed with Beazley Canada Limited (“Beazley”), can help you in the event of a cyber incident.
Also in this newsletter:
- Fake Law Firm Websites: If your name or firm shows up on a faked website, what do you do?
- Reminder: Download your Cyber Coverage Certificate
ALIA is pleased to announce further details on enhancements to the Universal Cyber Coverage Program that will commence on July 1, 2024.
The premium payable remains the same as last year at $265 per Subscriber.
The annual levies set by ALIA and the Universal Cyber Coverage Premium payable by each Subscriber for the 2024-2025 policy year (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025) are as follows:
- $2,910 for Professional Liability / Negligence ($50 less than last year)
- $190 for Misappropriation ($20 less than last year)
- $265 for Universal Cyber Coverage Premium (the same as last year with increased coverage).
Invoices for these required payments, plus GST, will be available online through the Law Society of Alberta’s Lawyer Portal before May 31 and must be paid on or before June 30, 2024.
Reminder: Surcharge grandfathering ends June 30, 2024.

May 2024 Newsletter:
Practice directions push for transparency when Artificial Intelligence is used in legal matters as ChatGPT inaccuracies make headlines
May 14, 2024
In this newsletter:
- Artificial Intelligence: AI impact on legal matters
- CLFL: Civil Litigation Filing Levy pilot continues with action to address non-compliance
- Extended Coverage: Alberta lawyers urged to consider additional coverage beyond ALIA’s Group Policy
- Rule 4.31: The road to the recent amendment of the Alberta Rules of Court
- ALIAlert Scam Watch: Law firm lost $250k after employee lied about calling client to confirm bank details
Levy Announcement for 2023-2024 policy year
May 15, 2023
ALIA Board mitigates increase by approving $5.7M capital subsidy
The Board of Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (“ALIA”) has set the annual levy for 2023-2024 to:
- $2,960 for Part A (Professional Liability / Negligence)
- $210 for Part B (Misappropriation)
- $265 for Universal Cyber Coverage
for a combined levy (“base levy”) of $3,435 (Part A + Part B + cyber) before GST.
Payment of the annual levy is due by June 30, 2023GST is payable on the levy, so the amount of the invoices for those without individual surcharges will be $3,606.75 (Part A + Part B + cyber) including GST.
Join ALIA for a webinar to learn how the recently launched Universal Cyber Coverage Program can help you in the event of a cyberattack. No registration required – the link will be emailed to all Subscribers the week of the event.
Webinar: Introduction to ALIA’s Universal Cyber Coverage Program
February 1, 2023
noon – 1:15 p.m. MST
Request for Information: ALIA has identified a particular need for external counsel with a background in family law and insurance coverage; however, the RFI is open to all Alberta lawyers and firms to apply. Click here to view the full RFI.
Civil Litigation Filing Levy Reminder: Q2 Filings and Payment Due by January 31, 2023.
ALIA Indemnity Program Extended to Include Cyber Coverage!
November 30, 2022
Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association is implementing universal cyber insurance for all lawyers who participate in ALIA’s mandatory indemnity program. Coverage commences December 31, 2022.
Rule 4.31 Update, Limitations Software Options, Scam Alerts
September 6, 2022
Rule 4.31 Case Law Developments: A Court hearing a Rule 4.31 applications will likely consider the inquiries set forth in of Humphreys v. Trebilcock , but the Court is not bound by the six questions set out in that decision. Further, recent developments suggest the Court will not likely reward defendants who are the source of, or contributed to, delay.
The Rule 4.31 Amendment: In October 2021, ALIA, with the support of the Law Society of Alberta and the Alberta Civil Trial Lawyers Association, requested a change to Rule 4.31 as a loss prevention initiative.
March 16, 2022
March is Fraud Prevention Month. ALIA works collaboratively with the Law Society of Alberta to build and deliver a robust loss prevention and risk management program for lawyers so that they can avoid falling victim to fraud.
Our initiative aims to educate and inform all Alberta lawyers participating in the indemnity program (“Subscribers”) by providing tips on recognizing, reporting, and preventing fraud. ALIAlerts are urgent notices highlighting specific fraud and loss prevention issues. ALIAdvisories feature general news and information focusing on topics of interest to Subscribers. Both services are sent to all Subscribers.
Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association (“ALIA”) has set the annual levy for 2022-2023 to:
- $2,300 for Part A
- $210 for Part B
- $2,510 combined (Part A + Part B) before GST
The 2022-2023 annual levy is the lowest the Part A levy has been since the 2008-2009 policy year and the lowest the Part B levy has ever been.
This marks the fifth year in a row that ALIA has reduced the amount of the annual base levy payable by Alberta lawyers (“Subscribers”) participating in the mandatory indemnity program (the “Program”).
Don’t miss your opportunity to shape ALIA’s future initiatives
November 19, 2021
ALIA values the opinions of our Subscribers. We want to learn about your views on the indemnity program’s current and future potential offerings, your experiences with ALIA, and what we can do to improve our service to Subscribers.