As a condition of your indemnity policy, you are required to report any claim or potential claim against you to ALIA as soon as you become aware of it. Failure to report a claim or potential claim prior to the June 30 deadline of the policy period in which you become aware of it will result in denied coverage. If you do become aware of a claim or potential claim, please submit an Indemnity Claim Report.

Important Notice
Please note: this form is for lawyers.
For members of the public looking to file a claim, please click the link below.
Fill out the form
Please download the PDF form below and fill it out.
Indemnity Claim ReportSTEP 2
Send ALIA the form
Fill out your contact information and attach your completed PDF. All fields are mandatory.
"*" indicates required fields
Once a claim is reported, an ALIA Claims Counsel/Claims Specialist will be assigned to manage it. ALIA may retain repair counsel to remedy the claim. Should a claim proceed to litigation, ALIA may retain defense counsel to defend you as a participating lawyer.
For any claims questions, please contact ALIA:
Alberta Lawyers Indemnity Association
403.229.4716 or 1.800.661.1694